Java Reference
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The MBeanServer query methods
In section 8.2, we covered the methods of the MBeanServer interface. However,
we left out the two methods shown in table 8.3.
Table 8.3 The two remaining methods of the MBeanServer interface. These two methods are used
to query the MBean server for a set of qualifying MBean object names.
Return type
Returns the set of ObjectInstance objects
identifying the set of MBeans that qualify,
given the QueryExp object
queryMBeans( ObjectName,
QueryExp )
Returns the set of ObjectName objects iden-
tifying the set of MBeans that qualify, given
the QueryExp object
queryNames( ObjectName,
QueryExp )
The two methods, queryMBeans() and queryNames() , both accept an ObjectName
instance and a QueryExp instance. The ObjectName instance defines the scope of
the query, and the QueryExp instance defines the constructed query expression.
The following sections describe the meaning of the parameters and how to use
these two methods.
The queryMBeans() method returns a set of ObjectInstance objects. The
ObjectInstance class contains the ObjectName of an MBean and the MBean's
defining class type. The queryNames() method only returns a set of ObjectName s
of MBeans. Both methods execute queries in the same manner; only their return
type differs. You must choose to use one method over the other based purely on
the amount of information you needed returned.
Defining the scope of a query
We will discuss the QueryExp class in a moment—it represents a query like the
one we described in the first paragraph of section 8.3. However, let's first exam-
ine the first argument to the query methods, the ObjectName instance.
When executing a query, you need to describe a set of MBeans in which to
apply the query. By defining the scope of a query, you are almost performing a
pre-query. Defining the scope of the query is the role of the ObjectName argu-
ment passed to the two query methods. Table 8.4 lists the possible values for
this parameter.
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