Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 7.4
Operation-level descriptor attributes (continued)
Descriptor attribute
Possible values
Class containing the method
Class where the method is defined
getter , setter , opera-
tion , constructor
Role of this operation
Object value
Object on which to execute this
ObjectReference , EJBHan-
dle , IOR , RMIReference
Type of Object held in the target-
Object attribute
Name used for display purposes
Return value of the method
Cached return value for this operation
Same as attribute level
How long the return value is valid
long value
Timestamp of the last returned value
1 to 4
Same as MBean level
XML format
Same as MBean level
Let's examine the new descriptor attributes that help describe the exposed oper-
ation: class , role , targetObject , and targetType . The first two are simple
enough: class contains the class name that defines this method, and role indi-
cates the purpose of the method (setter, getter, operation, or constructor). The
targetObject and targetType attributes are used to specify an object other than
the Model MBean's managed resource in which to invoke the operation. This
optional mechanism is useful if you want to delegate processing to other objects,
or if you have such a distributed resource that you want to spread out operations
among different application components. Currently, the Sun RI only supports
the ObjectReference targetType .
Operations for attributes
When exposing an attribute in a Model MBean, you optionally specify the meth-
ods used as its getter and setter in the managed resource. Because methods
invoked from a Model MBean can have configurable behavior, Model MBeans
expect these getter and setter methods to be added to their ModeMBeanInfo
objects with operation metadata. Therefore, when adding an attribute, you may
also be adding two additional operations. You will see this in the example at the
end of the chapter.
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