Java Reference
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translate the notification message for each listener. Alternatively, you could leave
the handback object as null.
The last method in the interface, getNotificationInfo() , returns an array of
objects of type MBeanNotificationInfo . You should recognize this object from
chapter 5; it is a member of the set of metadata objects used to describe the
management interface of an MBean. It is used here separately to ensure that
broadcasters provide information about the types of notifications they emit. We
examine the MBeanNotificationInfo class in section 6.2.2.
The NotificationBroadcasterSupport class
The other way to implement the NotificationBroadcaster interface is to extend
the class. By extending this
class, you inherit an implementation of the interface.
In addition, the NotificationBroadcasterSupport class provides an extra
method called sendNotification() . The sendNotification() method provides a
mechanism for sending a Notification object to registered listeners. This
method attempts to send its notification argument to each registered listener
after first applying that listener's filter object. If the filter indicates that the lis-
tener should receive that notification, then it is sent. A drawback of extending
this class is that you don't have the opportunity to interact with the handback
object before sending a notification.
The final method from the NotificationBroadcaster interface is getNotifi-
cationInfo() . A subclass of the NotificationBroadcasterSupport class should
override the getNotificationInfo() method to provide information about the
notifications it can broadcast. The return value of this method is an array of MBean-
NotificationInfo objects. This class is a member of the metadata classes covered
in chapter 5.
Describing notifications as
part of a management interface
In chapter 5, which discussed Dynamic MBeans, you were introduced to the
MBean metadata classes. These classes are used to describe the management
interfaces of MBeans. One of the metadata classes that we didn't cover in detail
is MBeanNotificationInfo . Now that we are discussing notifications, we need to
examine this class.
The class is a metadata class used
by MBeans that are notification broadcasters. MBeans provide this class in the
following two ways:
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