Java Reference
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Figure 5.2 A Dynamic MBean managing a Jini service. The service creates the MBean when it is
initialized and removes the MBean as it is shut down. The MBean can be used to change the service's
description to the world by adding/removing Jini Entry objects.
A good place to begin Jini service management via an MBean is its set of Entry
objects, which describe the service. You want to be able to add, modify, or delete
Entry attributes at runtime in order to describe the Jini service in a different way.
By changing the Entry objects, you change the way clients discover the Jini ser-
vice. The following is the ManagedJINIService interface:
package jmxbook.ch5;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.util.*;
public interface ManagedJINIService extends Remote
public void addEntries( Vector entry ) throws RemoteException;
public void modifyEntries( Vector oldEntries, Vector newEntries )
throws RemoteException;
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