Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4.10
JMX exception hierarchy
MBeanException —Wraps any other (user-defined or standard) exceptions
thrown from an MBean. The MBean server constructs and throws this
exception when an unknown exception is thrown by an MBean.
Table 4.3 describes the remaining exceptions. All these exceptions will propagate
from the MBean server, because it is the object that will detect (and possibly
wrap) the condition that causes a problem. Again, not all subclasses of JMExcep-
tion are listed here.
Table 4.3
JMX exceptions
Thrown when a specified attribute cannot be found (does
not exist for the MBean specified)
Thrown when the specified attribute contains an invalid
value for that attribute
Thrown if an error occurs when the MBean server is examin-
ing the management interface of an MBean
Occurs when attempting to register an MBean, if the MBean
does not follow the applicable rules
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