Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
The Arc by Center and Endpoints method
This method creates an arc by defining its center, start and end. Activate the Arc command
and click Arc by Center and Endpoints . Click to define the center point. Next, move the
pointer and you will notice that a dotted line appears between center and the pointer. This
line is the radius of the arc. Now, click to define the start point of the arc and move the
pointer; you will notice that an arc is drawn from the start point. Once the arc appears the
way you want, click to define its end point.
The Rectangle command
This command creates a rectangle using three different methods: By 2 Points , By 3 Points ,
and From Center .
The 2 Points method
This method creates a rectangle by defining its diagonal corners. Activate the Rectangle
command (On the ribbon, click Home > Direct Sketch > Rectangle ). On the Rectangle
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