Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting Started with NX 9
Introduction to NX 9
NX 9 is a parametric and feature-based system that allows you to create 3D parts, assem-
blies, and 2D drawings. The design process in NX is shown below.
In NX, parameters, dimensions, or relations control everything. For example, if you want to
change the position of the hole shown in figure, you need to change the dimension or con-
straint that controls its position.
The parameters and constraints that you set up allow you to have control over the design
intent. The design intent describes the way your 3D model will behave when you apply di-
mensions and constraints to it. For example, if you want to position the hole at the center of
the block, one way is to add dimensions between the hole and the adjacent edges. However,
when you change the size of the block, the hole will not be at the center.
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