Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4 Imaging of increased but delocalized inflammatory cell proliferation signals. Mice were
implanted with various inflammatory and non-inflammatory materials. ATX-Red was applied and
fluorescent images of the following time points: 0, 6 and 48h. First two mice from left were with
implants and the third mouse is without implants. Implants were as follows: 1 Porous glass implant,
2 Porous glass implant with dead bacteria, 3 Poly-L-lactic acid, 4 Magnesium, 5 Mock and 6
Titanium. Dashed circles represent the site of implantation
the dye injection at a site where there was no implant and which may correspond to
the location of the spleen (Fig. 4 , 48h, yellow spot on the left side of each animal).
However, there was a high background signal and the inflammatory signals were
delocalized, making it difficult to determine the response to individual implants.
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