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physiological conditions [ 51 ]. The dominant cell Ca 2 + influx pathway in arterial SM
is provided by VOCCs. Voltage sensitivity of Ca 2 + refilling can account for large-
scale vascular contractile activity and synchronization, under conditions of electrical
cell-cell coupling [ 19 ]. With a reversal potential of
0.1V and a sigmoidal open
state probability centred at
0.024V, VOCCs are maximally active during cellular
depolarization, a state generally associated with enhanced vascular contraction [ 52 ].
In spite of a central role in Ca 2 + transport and the generation of contractile activ-
ity, VOCCs account for only up to 10% of cellular polarization. A number of ionic
transport mechanisms that are fundamental in polarization of the arterial wall have
also been included in the quantification of SM membrane potential. These are the
Cl channel, the NCX, known to be central in cardiac muscle contraction, and the
K + channels. With a reversal potential of
0.095V, K + channels are particularly
important in vascular dynamics since they constitute the main hyperpolarizing force
in the arterial wall [ 22 ]. A large number of Ca 2 + -activated K + channel subtypes
have been identified, conventionally grouped as large, intermediate and small con-
ductance channels. In the present formulation, we have grouped all K + transport
activity under a single idealised channel subtype with a linear voltage dependence
and a sigmoidal Ca 2 + activation. Typically, ionic transport mechanisms are both
Ca 2 + - and voltage-sensitive, as indeed reflected in the mathematical formulation of
each transport component.
2.1 Coupled Intracellular and Membrane C a 2 + Oscillators in
Smooth Muscle Cells
Ca 2 + ] SR the
Ca 2 + concentration in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and z the cell membrane potential.
The system described above and depicted in Fig. 1 is represented by the following
Ca 2 + ] i represent the cytosolic free Ca 2 + concentration, y
Let x
z z Ca 1
1 + e ( z z Ca 2 )/ R Ca
VOCC influx
x + x Na / Ca z z Na / Ca
dt =
influx E Ca
+ E Na / Ca
x n
x p r
y m r
+ C r
+ x b
SR uptake
+ x p r
y m r
x n
y m r
x p r
Dx k 1 +
z z d
R d
SR leak
Ca 2 + extrusion
x n
x p r
y m r
dt = B
C r
+ x b
SR uptake
+ x p r
+ y m r
x n
y m r
x p r
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