Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Describe CUCM Reports and How They Are Generated
CUCM includes numerous reporting tools. This section reviews how to generate and ac-
cess those reports, and how to use them for troubleshooting, maintenance, and system
The Cisco Unified reporting tool pulls information from a range of sources, and formats
the data into a single simplified output. The report tool alerts the user if the report job will
cause performance issues for the server or take an excessive amount of time.
The reports pull data from the Publisher and the subscribers, including the following
Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) counters
Call Detail Records (CDR) and the CDR Administration and Reporting database
CUCM database
Disk files (traces and logs)
Prefs settings
Real-Time Information Server (RIS)
The reporting system uses the Cisco Tomcat service and Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) to
the other servers via HTTPS. Make sure the Tomcat service is running and that HTTPS
traffic can reach and return from the servers.
Generating Reports
Access the Cisco Unified Reporting tool from the navigation drop-down at the top right
of the CUCM Administration interface or directly via the URL https://<ip_address>/cu-
creports. By default, the only users with the necessary privilege to view the reports are
member of the CCM Super Users Group, the only member of which by default is the
CUCM application administration account defined at install.
The reports are accessed under the System Reports menu, as shown in Figure 16-2.
Select the desired report from the menu list. The Reporting tool stores one of each previ-
ously created report for later access; if the report selected has not been run before, a mes-
sage is displayed, indicating that the report does not exist and the user should generate a
new report. The Generate a New Report link is directly below this message.
If an old copy of the report exists, a message is displayed to that effect, and a link to the
report is listed. Bear in mind that the old report contains old information; check the
time/date stamp on the report to be sure that the report is recent enough to be valid. To re-
create the report, click the icon at the top right to run it again.
Figure 16-3 shows a sample report (in this case, a Device Counts Summary). The green
checkmark at the top indicates that the report ran successfully. The other buttons to the
right side of the page allow you to upload an XML report that is stored on your local
workstation to keep it on the CUCM server, download the report to your local worksta-
tion, or run it again.
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