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vofr Voice over Frame Relay
voip Voice over IP
CME_A(config)# dial-peer voice 1101 pots
CME_A(config-dial-peer)# destination-pattern ?
WORD A sequence of digits - representing the prefix or full telephone number
CME_A(config-dial-peer)# destination-pattern 1101
CME_A(config-dial-peer)# port 0/0/0
CME_A(config-dial-peer)# exit
CME_A(config)# dial-peer voice 1102 pots
CME_A(config-dial-peer)# destination-pattern 1102
CME_A(config-dial-peer)# port 0/0/1
After you create the dial peer, you can then assign the phone number to the attached de-
vice(s) by using the destination-pattern and port commands. After you enter this configu-
ration, you can place calls between the phones attached to the CME_A router. Before you
place any calls, it is always best to verify the dial peer configuration.
Tip: After a dial peer is created, you no longer need to specify the type of dial peer
when entering the configuration mode. For example, to create a VoIP dial peer with tag 50,
you enter dial-peer voice 50 voip . If you want to return to the configuration mode later,
you need only enter dial-peer voice 50 . If you want to change the type of dial peer (VoIP
or POTS), you must delete the dial peer ( no dial-peer voice 50 ) and create it again.
The show dial-peer voice command (without the summary keyword) shows you all the
dial peers on your router, but uses about a page of output for each dial peer. Although this
information can be useful at times, the summary view, which is shown in Example 6-8, is
usually much easier to digest. Notice at the bottom of the output are the dial peer tags
1101 and 1102, displayed as POTS dial peers with the proper destination pattern and port
assignments. The other dial peers listed (with tags 20005-20014) are dial peers created by
the CME routers for the ephone-dns configured in Chapter5, “Managing Endpoints and
End Users with CME.”
Example 6-8
Verifying Dial Peers
CME_A# show dial-peer voice summary
dial-peer hunt 0
20005 pots up up 1500$ 0 50/0/20
20006 pots up up 1501$ 0 50/0/21
20007 pots up up 1502$ 0 50/0/22
20008 pots up up 1503$ 0 50/0/23
20009 pots up up 1504$ 0 50/0/24
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