Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Query Detail Tracking : This template is the same as Query Batch Tracking, but for every single
statement in the system as well. This generates a large amount of data.
Query Wait Statistic : This template captures wait statistics for each statement of every query
and procedure for 20 percent of all active sessions.
For the example here, you'll skip the templates and set up your own events so you can see how it's done.
nothing is free or without risk. extended events is a much more efficient mechanism for gathering information
about the system than the old trace events. extended events is not without cost and risk. Depending on the events you define
and, even more, on some of the global fields that i discuss in more detail later in the chapter, you can see an impact on your
system by implementing extended events. exercise caution when using these events on your production system to ensure
you don't implement a negative impact.
You must decide whether you want the session to start when the server starts. Collecting performance metrics
over a long period of time generates lots of data that you'll have to deal with. You can also decide whether you'd like
to start this session immediately after you create it and whether you want to watch live data. As you can see, the New
Session window is actually pretty close to already being a wizard. It just lacks a Next button. Once you've provided a
name and made the other choices here, click the next page, Events, as shown in Figure 6-2 .
Figure 6-2. Extended Events New Session window, Events page
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