Database Reference
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Figure 25-8. The predicate of the clustered index scan
This is a calculation. There is an existing index on the VendorID column of the PurchaseOrderTable that might
be of use to this query, but because you're using a COALESCE statement to filter values, a scan of the entire table is
necessary to retrieve the information. The COALESCE operator is basically a way to take into account that a given value
might be NULL and, if it is NULL , to provide an alternate value, possibly several alternate values. However, it's a function,
and a function against a column within a WHERE clause, the JOIN criteria, or a HAVING clause is likely to lead to scans, so
you need to get rid of the function. Because of this function, you can't simply add or modify the index because you'd
still end up with a scan. You could try rewriting the query with an OR clause like this:
...WHERE per.LastName LIKE @LastName AND
poh.VendorID = @VendorID
OR poh.VendorID = poh.VendorID...
But logically, that's not the same as the COALESCE operation. Instead, it's substituting one part of the WHERE clause
for another, not just using the OR construct. So, you could rewrite the entire stored procedure definition like this:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.PurchaseOrderBySalesPersonName
@LastName NVARCHAR(50),
@VendorID INT = NULL
SELECT poh.PurchaseOrderID,
p.[Name] AS ProductName,
per.LastName + ', ' + per.FirstName AS SalesPerson,
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