Database Reference
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FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader AS poh
JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail AS pod
ON poh.PurchaseOrderID = pod.PurchaseOrderID
JOIN Production.Product AS p
ON pod.ProductID = p.ProductID
JOIN HumanResources.Employee AS e
ON poh.EmployeeID = e.BusinessEntityID
JOIN Person.Person AS per
ON e.BusinessEntityID = per.BusinessEntityID
WHERE per.LastName LIKE @LastName AND
poh.VendorID = COALESCE(@VendorID, poh.VendorID)
ORDER BY per.LastName,
Once these procedures are created, you can execute them using the following scripts:
EXEC dbo.PurchaseOrderBySalesPersonName
@LastName = 'Hill%';
EXEC dbo.ShoppingCart
@ShoppingCartID = '20621';
EXEC dbo.ProductBySalesOrder
@SalesOrderID = 43867;
EXEC dbo.PersonByFirstName
@FirstName = 'Gretchen';
EXEC dbo.ProductTransactionsSinceDate
@LatestDate = '9/1/2004',
@ProductName = 'Hex Nut%';
EXEC dbo.PurchaseOrderBySalesPersonName
@LastName = 'Hill%',
@VendorID = 1496;
This is an extremely simplistic workload that just illustrates the process. You're going to see hundreds and
thousands of additional calls in a typical system. As simple as it is, however, this sample workload consists of the
different types of queries you usually execute on SQL Server.
Queries using aggregate functions
Point queries that retrieve only one row or a small number of rows
Queries joining multiple tables
Queries retrieving a narrow range of rows
Queries performing additional result set processing, such as providing a sorted output
The first optimization step is to identify the worst-performing queries, as explained in the next section.
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