Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 21-1. XML Deadlock Graph Data
Entry in Log
The beginning of the deadlock information. It starts
laying out the victim processes.
<victimProcess id="processf4ced868" />
Physical memory address of the process picked to
be the deadlock victim.
Processes that define the deadlock victim. There
may be more than one.
<process id="processf4ced868" taskpriority="0"
logused="400" waitresource="KEY: 9:72057594046775296
(4ab5f0d47ad5)" waittime="1718" ownerId="20008"
XDES="0xfd04d078" lockMode="U" schedulerid="2"
kpid="4404" status="suspended" spid="52"
sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="2"
clientapp="Microsoft SQL Server Management
Studio - Query" hostname="DOJO" hostpid="2376"
loginname="NEVERNEVER\grant" isolationlevel="read
committed (2)" xactid="20008" currentdb="9"
lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671096864"
All the information about the session picked as
the deadlock victim. Note the highlighted isolation
level, which is a key for helping identify the root
cause of a deadlock.
T-SQL that was being executed.
<frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtstart="44"
sqlhandle ="0x02000000e3586a2a82447
915dba3de497a09b2eed9643a840000 00000000000000000000
update Purchasing . PurchaseOrderDetail set OrderQty
= @0 where ProductID = @1 and PurchaseOrderID = @2
The type of query being executed, in this case ad
hoc. Note the sqlhandle . You can use this with
sys.dm_exec_query_plan to see the execution plan.
This is followed by the T-SQL statement.
<frame procname="adhoc" line="1"
67741f7b4604aee8b9093427da296a00 0000000000000000000
UPDATE Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail
SET OrderQty = 4
WHERE ProductID = 448
AND PurchaseOrderID = 1255 ; </frame>
The next statement in the batch.
UPDATE Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail SET
OrderQty = 4 WHERE ProductID = 448 AND
PurchaseOrderID = 1255 ;
The query with values.
( continued )
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