Database Reference
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Next, modify the AdventureWorks2012 database so that READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is turned on.
ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2012
Now imagine a business situation. The first connection and transaction will be pulling data from the
Production.Product table, acquiring the color of a particular item.
SELECT p.Color
FROM Production.Product AS p
WHERE p.ProductID = 711;
A second connection is made with a new transaction that will be modifying the color of the same item.
UPDATE Production.Product
SET Color = 'Coyote'
WHERE ProductID = 711;
SELECT p.Color
FROM Production.Product AS p
WHERE p.ProductID = 711;
Running the SELECT statement after updating the color, you can see that the color was updated. But if you switch
back to the first connection and rerun the original SELECT statement (don't run the BEGIN TRAN statement again),
you'll still see the color as Blue . Switch back to the second connection and finish the transaction.
Switching again to the first transaction, commit that transaction, and then rerun the original SELECT statement.
You'll see the new color updated for the item, Coyote . You can reset the isolation level on AdventureWorks2012
before continuing.
ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2012
if the tempdb is filled, data modification using row versioning will continue to succeed, but reads may fail since
the versioned row will not be available. if you enable any type of row versioning isolation within your database, you must
take extra care to maintain free space within tempdb .
Repeatable Read
The Repeatable Read isolation level allows a SELECT statement to retain its (S) lock until the end of the transaction,
thereby preventing other transactions from modifying the data during that time. Database functionality may
implement a logical decision inside a transaction based on the data read by a SELECT statement within the
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