Database Reference
In-Depth Information
deadlocks are covered in more detail in Chapter 21.
To avoid this typical deadlock, the UPDATE statement uses a (U) lock instead of an (S) lock at its first intermediate
step. Unlike an (S) lock, a (U) lock doesn't allow another (U) lock on the same resource simultaneously. This forces the
second concurrent UPDATE statement to wait until the first UPDATE statement completes.
Exclusive (X) Mode
Exclusive mode provides an exclusive right on a database resource for modification by data manipulation queries
such as INSERT , UPDATE , and DELETE . It prevents other concurrent transactions from accessing the resource under
modification. Both the INSERT and DELETE statements acquire (X) locks at the very beginning of their execution. As
explained earlier, the UPDATE statement converts to the (X) lock after the data to be modified is read. The (X) locks
granted in a transaction are held until the end of the transaction.
The (X) lock serves two purposes.
It prevents other transactions from accessing the resource under modification so that they see
a value either before or after the modification, not a value undergoing modification.
It allows the transaction modifying the resource to safely roll back to the original value
before modification, if needed, since no other transaction is allowed to modify the resource
Intent Shared (IS), Intent Exclusive (IX and Shared with Intent Exclusive
(SIX) Modes
Intent Shared, Intent Exclusive, and Shared with Intent Exclusive locks indicate that the query intends to grab a
corresponding (S) or (X) lock at a lower lock level. For example, consider the following transaction on the
Sales.Currency table:
DELETE Sales.Currency
WHERE CurrencyCode = 'ALL';
SELECT tl.request_session_id,
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks tl;
Figure 20-5 shows the output from sys.dm_tran_locks .
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