Database Reference
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--All ProductIDs are added into t1 as a logical unit of work
INSERT INTO dbo.ProductTest
SELECT p.ProductID
FROM Production.Product AS p;
FROM dbo.ProductTest; --Returns 0 rows
SQL Server treats the preceding INSERT statement as a logical unit of work. The CHECK constraint on column
ProductID of the dbo.ProductTest table allows only the value of 1 . Although the ProductID column in the
Production.Product table starts with the value of 1 , it also contains other values. For this reason, the INSERT
statement won't add any records at all to the dbo.ProductTest table, and an error is raised because of the CHECK
constraint. This atomicity is automatically ensured by SQL Server.
So far, so good. But in the case of a bigger logical unit of work, you should be aware of an interesting behavior of
SQL Server. Imagine that the previous insert task consists of multiple INSERT statements. These can be combined to
form a bigger logical unit of work, as follows:
--Start: Logical unit of work
INSERT INTO dbo.ProductTest
SELECT p.ProductID
FROM Production.Product AS p;
INSERT INTO dbo.ProductTest
COMMIT --End: Logical unit of work
With the dbo.ProductTest table already created in the preceding script, the BEGIN TRAN and COMMIT pair of
statements defines a logical unit of work, suggesting that all the statements within the transaction should be atomic
in nature. However, the default behavior of SQL Server doesn't ensure that the failure of one of the statements within
a user-defined transaction scope will undo the effect of the prior statement(s). In the preceding transaction, the first
INSERT statement will fail as explained earlier, whereas the second INSERT is perfectly fine. The default behavior of
SQL Server allows the second INSERT statement to execute, even though the first INSERT statement fails. A SELECT
statement, as shown in the following code, will return the row inserted by the second INSERT statement:
FROM dbo.ProductTest; --Returns a row with t1.c1 = 1
The atomicity of a user-defined transaction can be ensured in the following two ways:
Explicit rollback
Let's look at these quickly.
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