Database Reference
In-Depth Information
As you can see, in the first case (using UNION ), the optimizer filtered the records completely differently in order
to eliminate the duplicates while concatenating the result set of the two SELECT statements. Since the result sets are
exclusive to each other, you can use UNION ALL instead of the UNION clause. Using the UNION ALL clause avoids the
overhead of detecting duplicates and thereby improves performance.
Use Indexes for Aggregate and Sort Conditions
Generally, aggregate functions such as MIN and MAX benefit from indexes on the corresponding column. Without
any index on the column, the optimizer has to scan the base table (or the clustered index), retrieve all the rows, and
perform a stream aggregate on the group (containing all rows) to identify the MIN/MAX value, as shown in the following
example (see Figure 19-5 ):
SELECT MIN(sod.UnitPrice)
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS sod;
Figure 19-5. A scan of the entire table filtered to a single row
The STATISTICS IO and TIME output of the SELECT statement using the MIN aggregate function is as follows:
Table 'SalesOrderDetail'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1246 CPU time = 46 ms,
elapsed time = 52 ms.
As shown in the STATISTICS output, the query performed more than 1,200 logical reads just to retrieve the row
containing the minimum value for the UnitPrice column. You can see this represented in the execution plan in
Figure 19-5 . A huge fat row comes out of the Clustered Index Scan only to be filtered to a single row by the Stream
Aggregate operation. If you create an index on the UnitPrice column, then the UnitPrice values will be presorted by
the index in the leaf pages.
CREATE INDEX TestIndex ON Sales.SalesOrderDetail (UnitPrice ASC);
The index on the UnitPrice column improves the performance of the MIN aggregate function significantly. The
optimizer can retrieve the minimum UnitPrice value by seeking to the topmost row in the index. This reduces the
number of logical reads for the query, as shown in the corresponding STATISTICS output (see Figure 19-6 ).
Table 'SalesOrderDetail'. Scan count 1, logical reads 3
CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 20 ms.
Figure 19-6. An index radically improves performance
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