Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 17-16. Extended Events output showing effect of the ANSI SET options on stored procedure recompilation
You can see that there were fewer recompilations when compared to the original set.sql code (Figure 17-11 ).
Out of the SET options listed previously, the ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_ IDENTIFIER options are saved as part of the
stored procedure when it is created. Therefore, setting these options in the connection outside the stored procedure
won't affect any recompilation issues; only re-creating the stored procedure can change these settings.
Using OPTIMIZE FOR Query Hint
Although you may not always be able to reduce or eliminate recompiles, using the OPTIMIZE FOR query hint can
help you get the plan you want when the recompile does occur. The OPTIMIZE FOR query hint uses parameter values
supplied by you to compile the plan, regardless of the values of the parameter passed in by the calling application.
For an example, examine CustomerList from earlier in the chapter. You know that if this procedure receives
certain values, it will need to create a new plan. Knowing your data, you also know two more important facts: The
frequency that this query will return small data sets is exceedingly small, and when this query uses the wrong plan,
performance suffers. Rather than recompiling it over and over again, modify it so that it creates the plan that works
best most of the time.
IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('dbo.CustomerList')
DROP PROC dbo.CustomerList
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.CustomerList @CustomerID INT
SELECT soh.SalesOrderNumber,
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