Biology Reference
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Fig. 5.3 Centrosome structure in an animal cell at the end of G1-phase, beginning of S-phase.
From ''a'' to ''j'', electron microscopy images (top line—serial sections of daughter centriole,
second line—selected sections of mother centriole, scale bar 200 nm) illustrating different
centrosome structures shown on the centrosome scheme—''k''. MC—mother (mature) centriole,
DC—daughter centriole; PC—procentriole; PCM—pericentriolar material (pericentriolar
matrix); A—microtubule of triplet; B—microtubule of triplet; C—microtubule of triplet; H—
hook of C microtubule; MTD—A-B microtubule duplex (in distal part of centriolar cylinder);
ITC—internal triplets connections system; CS—cartwheel structure (axis with spokes); PCS—
pericentriolar satellite (=sub-distal appendage); HPCS—head of pericentriolar satellite; SPCS—
stem of pericentriolar satellite (connected to three triplets in this case); SS—striated structure of
pericentriolar satellite stem; MT—microtubule; AP—appendage (=distal appendage); HAP—
head of appendage; R—rib. (Courtesy Uzbekov and Prigent 2007 )
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