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3.5 Conclusions
Clearly, the centrosome is a sperm organelle critical to both fertilization and
embryogenesis and is a significant factor in male-related infertility. To date, the
sperm centrosome in most species studied (including the domestic cat) share
similar structural properties. Primarily, these include a pair of centrioles with
centrin labeling and the distal centriole degenerating. Our studies reveal that
epididymal transit is essential to normal functionality of this organelle in cats.
In the absence of appropriate maturational conditions, an adequately sized sperm
aster fails to develop after fertilization which leads to embryo developmental
arrest. Results also reveal that the centrosome can be highly sensitive to envi-
ronmental alterations. For example, some but not all methods of sperm preser-
vation can adversely affect centrosome functionality. The cat and felids in general
appear to be particular useful models for centrosomal studies due to the tendency
of individuals (or species) to produce high numbers of malformed spermatozoa, as
in men. Centrosomal dysfunctions are prevalent in these pleiomorphisms, thereby
offering interesting models for testing remediation approaches. Based on pre-
liminary findings, we believe it will be possible to provoke centrosomal maturation
of immature (testicular) spermatozoa or overcome deficits in abnormally shaped
cells using micromanipulation-cellular reconstruction and/or new in vitro culture
systems. These approaches could have widespread application to animal models,
endangered species, and human reproductive health.
Competing Interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors' Contributions
PC and DW equally contributed to the conception and writing of the review article.
Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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