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allows the user to select a favorite color. Don't forget to include functionality
that allows the user to logout. Use (or extend) the UserBean class as the
model, but include a persistence mechanism (either a local file or a
database) so the servlet can save its state. Remember that when a JSP page
contains an HTML form, the servlet has to contain the logic for responding
to submissions from that form. For form-based web applications like this
one, a helpful technique is to include a HTML hidden field in each form that
assigns a unique name to the form or the page, so that the controller servlet
can determine what form data is being submitted and decide how to handle
the submission.
18-5. Package the Portal servlet you created in Exercise 18-4 into a WAR file,
along with the JSP pages and any other auxiliary files it requires. Use that
WAR file to deploy your portal independently of the other examples from
this chapter.
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