Java Reference
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Example 17−3: (continued)
// that indicates whether the class member is a field or a method.
Statement s = c.createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE package " +
"(id INT, name VARCHAR(80))");
s.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE class " +
"(id INT, packageId INT, name VARCHAR(48))");
s.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE member " +
"(classId INT, name VARCHAR(48), isField BIT)");
// Prepare some statements that will be used to insert records into
// these three tables.
insertpackage =
c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO package VALUES(?,?)");
insertclass =
c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO class VALUES(?,?,?)");
insertmember =
c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO member VALUES(?,?,?)");
// Now loop through the list of classes and use reflection
// to store them all in the tables
int numclasses = classnames.size();
for(int i = 0; i < numclasses; i++) {
try {
catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("WARNING: class not found: " +
classnames.get(i) + "; SKIPPING");
catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof SQLException)
System.err.println("SQLState: " +
System.err.println("Usage: java MakeAPIDB " +
"<classlistfile> <propfile>");
// When we're done, close the connection to the database
finally { try { c.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} }
* This hash table records the mapping between package names and package
* id. This is the only one we need to store temporarily. The others are
* stored in the db and don't have to be looked up by this program
static Map package_to_id = new HashMap();
// Counters for the package and class identifier columns
static int packageId = 0, classId = 0;
// Some prepared SQL statements for use in inserting
// new values into the tables. Initialized in main() above.
static PreparedStatement insertpackage, insertclass, insertmember;
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