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database interprets the prepared statement and creates its template just once.
Then, when you execute the prepared statement repeatedly with different input
parameters, the database uses the template it has already created. JDBC provides
the PreparedStatement class to support prepared statements, but it doesn't guar-
antee that the underlying database actually takes advantage of them.
You create a PreparedStatement with the prepareStatement() method of a Con-
nection object, as shown in Example 17-3. MakeAPIDB passes a SQL statement to
prepareStatement() , substituting ? placeholders for the variable parameters in the
statement. Later, before the program executes the prepared statement, it binds val-
ues to these parameters using the various set X () methods (e.g., setInt() and
setString() )ofthe PreparedStatement object. Each set X () method takes two
arguments: a parameter index (starting with 1) and a value. Then the program calls
the executeUpdate() method of the PreparedStatement to execute the statement.
( PreparedStatement also provides execute() and executeQuery() methods, just
like Statement .)
MakeAPIDB expects its first argument to be the name of a file that contains a list of
classes to be placed into the database. The classes should be listed one to a line;
each line must contain a fully qualified class name (i.e., it must specify both pack-
age name and class name). Such a file might contain lines like the following:
The program reads database parameters from a Properties file named ops in the current directory or from an alternate Properties file specified
as the second command-line argument. This Properties file is similar to, but not
quite the same as, the one used in conjunction with Example 17-2; it should con-
tain properties named driver , database , user , and password . On my system, the ops file looks as follows:
# The full classname of the JDBC driver to load: this is a MySQL driver
# The URL of the mysql server (localhost) and database (apidb) to connect to
# The name of the database user account
# The password for the database user account.
# Uncomment the line below to specify a password
Note that before you run this program, you must create the database for it on your
database server. To do this, you have to follow the instructions provided by your
database vendor. You can also use an existing database, as long as it doesn't
already contain tables named package , class ,or member . *
* This program performs a large number of database updates. In my tests, the MySQL server was signifi-
cantly faster than the PostgreSQL server for this program. Also, PostgreSQL 6.5 did not recognize the
standard BIT type used for the member table. If you plan to use PostgreSQL for this example, you have
to change the type of the isField column of that table.
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