Java Reference
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Example 13−4: (continued)
drag.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
group.add(draw); group.add(drag);
toolbar.add(draw); toolbar.add(drag);
frame.getContentPane().add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
// Start off in drawing mode
// Pop up the window
frame.setSize(400, 400);
13-1. Consider the StringSelection class: it implements the Transferable inter-
face for the String class and makes it easy to transfer strings between appli-
cations. Write a class named SimpleSelection that implements the Trans-
ferable and ClipboardOwner interfaces just as StringSelection does. The
constructor for your class should take an arbitrary serializable object as its
sole argument; this object is the “selection” it should transfer. Construct a
DataFlavor based on the representation class of this object (see
Object.getClass() ) and implement the methods of the Transferable inter-
face using the DataFlavor you created.
Now modify Example 13-1 to use SimpleSelection to transfer Integer
objects using cut-and-paste. Note that SimpleSelection will probably only
work for intraapplication cut-and-paste.
13-2. Modify Example 13-4 so that it supports cut-and-paste in addition to drag-
and-drop. Allow the user to select a scribble by double-clicking on it (see
MouseEvent.getClickCount() ). Allow the user to paste a scribble from the
clipboard using a menu item, mouse gesture, or keyboard event of your
choice. When the user double-clicks a scribble, highlight that scribble using
a different color and keep it highlighted until something else replaces it on
the clipboard.
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