Java Reference
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11-5. Example 11-10 demonstrates how font glyphs can be used as Shape objects
and shows how those Shape objects can be transformed with an arbitrary
AffineTransform object. Write a custom Stroke object that is initialized with
a Font and a string of text. When this Stroke class is used to draw a shape,
it should display the specified text, using the specified font, along the out-
line of the specified shape. The text should hug the outline of the shape as
closely as possible, which means that each font glyph has to be rotated,
positioned, and drawn independently of the other glyphs. Use the two-argu-
ment version of Shape.getPathIterator() to obtain a FlatteningPathIter-
ator that approximates the shape using straight line segments. You'll need
to use geometry to compute the slope of each line segment and trigonome-
try to convert the slope to a rotation angle for each font glyph (you may
find Math.atan2() helpful). Write a GraphicsExample class that displays
some text art that demonstrates your new Stroke object.
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