Java Reference
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Figure 10•5. Components laid out with a BorderLayout
Example 10•5:
package com.davidflanagan.examples.gui;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class BorderLayoutPane extends JPanel {
String[] borders = {"North", "East", "South", "West", "Center"};
public BorderLayoutPane() {
// Use a BorderLayout with 10-pixel margins between components
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 10));
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// Add children to the pane
this.add(new JButton(borders[i]),
// Add this component
// Using this constraint
Box and BoxLayout
javax.swing.BoxLayout is a simple but versatile layout manager that arranges its
children into a row or a column. The javax.swing.Box container uses BoxLayout ;
it is much more common to work with the Box class than to use BoxLayout
directly. What gives Box containers their versatility is the ability to add stretchy
space ( glue ) and rigid space ( struts ) to the layout. The Box class defines static
methods that make it particularly easy to create rows, columns, glue, and struts.
Example 10-6 creates several Box containers that demonstrate the capabilities of
BoxLayout . The various boxes are themselves laid out using a BorderLayout . The
program output is shown in Figure 10-6. To keep you on your toes, Example 10-6
also demonstrates the use of Swing borders to add margins and decorations
around the outside of certain containers. Note that these borders can be added
around any Swing component or container; they are part of the javax.swing.bor-
der package and have nothing to do with the BorderLayout layout manager. See
javax.swing.border.Border and the setBorder() method of JComponent .
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