Java Reference
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6-2. Write a network service and client that allows a user to change his current
password that is registered with your PasswordManager class. If you've read
Chapter 16, Remote Method Invocation , modify PasswordManager so that it
runs as a RMI remote object and write a client program that uses the remote
object to change a password. If you have not read that chapter yet, write the
password-changing service to run under the Server class developed in Chap-
ter 5 and use the GenericClient class from that same chapter to interact with
the service. In either case, create a security policy file that defines the set of
permissions required by your network service, and use this policy file to
enable your service to run with the option to the
Java interpreter.
6-3. The TripleDES class of Example 6-5 uses the DESede algorithm in the default
ECB (electronic code book) mode. This encryption mode is more vulnerable
to certain decryption attacks than CBC (cipher block chaining) mode. Modify
the example so that it uses CBC mode. You specify the mode as part of the
algorithm name: in this case, instead of specifying “DESede” as the algorithm,
specify “DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding”.
To encrypt using CBC mode, the Cipher object creates an initialization vector
(IV) of random bytes, which is also required when decrypting. Modify the
encrypt() method so that it obtains the IV with the getIV() method of the
Cipher object and writes the bytes (and the length) of the IV array to the out-
put stream before it writes out the encrypted bytes. To do this, you may want
to modify encrypt() so that it doesn't use the CipherOutputStream x but
instead works with the Cipher class directly, the way decrypt() does. Modify
the decrypt() method so that it reads the bytes of the IV and uses them to
create a javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec object, which it then passes (as
an AlgorithmParameterSpec ) to one of the init() methods of the Cipher
6-4. The TripleDES program stores and reads secret keys from unprotected files,
which is not a very secure way to work with important keys. Modify the pro-
gram so that it uses a KeyStore object to store (and retrieve) the key in pass-
word-protected form. The KeyStore class was demonstrated in Example 6-4,
where it was used to store PublicKey and PrivateKey objects for digital sig-
natures. A KeyStore can also store SecretKey objects, however. Simply pass
the SecretKey to the setKeyEntry() method, specifying a name for the key
and a password to protect it with. Since the key is not a PrivateKey , you
should pass null for the Certificate[] argument to this method.
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