Java Reference
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up these keys. This database stores keys for various entities, which may be peo-
ple, corporations, or other computers or programs.
In order to make this example work, you need to generate a public and private
key pair for yourself (or for some test entity) and add those keys to the keystore.
The Java SDK includes a program named keytool you can use to generate keys and
perform other operations on a keystore. Use keytool as follows to generate a key
pair for yourself. Note that the program prompts you for the information, including
passwords, that it needs. See Java in a Nutshell for documentation on keytool .
% keytool -genkey -alias david
Enter keystore password: secret
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: David Flanagan
What is the name of your organizational unit?
What is the name of your organization?
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: Bellingham
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: WA
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: US
Is <CN=David Flanagan, OU=Unknown,, L=Bellingham, ST=WA,
C=US> correct?
[no]: yes
Enter key password for <david>
(RETURN if same as keystore password): moresecret
Example 6-4 uses the MessageDigest and DigestInputStream classes to compute
and verify message digests. It uses the Signature class with a PrivateKey to com-
pute digital signatures and uses Signature with a PublicKey to verify digital signa-
tures. The PrivateKey and PublicKey objects are obtained from the KeyStore
object. The manifest file itself is created and read by a java.util.Properties
object, which is ideal for this purpose. Message digests and digital signatures are
stored in the manifest file using a simple hexadecimal encoding implemented by
convenience methods that appear at the end of the example. (This is one short-
coming of the package; it doesn't provide an easy way to convert
an array of bytes to a portable textual representation.)
Example 6−4:
import java.util.*;
* This program creates a manifest file for the specified files, or verifies
* an existing manifest file. By default the manifest file is named
* MANIFEST, but the -m option can be used to override this. The -v
* option specifies that the manifest should be verified. Verification is
* also the default option if no files are specified.
public class Manifest {
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