Agriculture Reference
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FIGURE 4.4 J truss hook that attaches to support string and tomato truss to
prevent the fruit truss from breaking.
(Figure 4.4). Usually it is best to have both kinds, as depending upon the
length of the truss and tightness of your support string, one may be easier
to attach than the other. There is also another type of truss support that is
put directly on the truss stem at an early stage to prevent it from kinking
(Figure 4.5).
Greenhouse varieties of eggplants and peppers are trained to two stems.
As the plant bifurcates at its first flower (crown flower), train these two
stems as the principal ones (Figure 4.6). Peppers and eggplants continue
to bifurcate at every flower as the stems grow. You must encourage fruit
growth by pruning each additional stem to two leaves and flowers. Initially,
remove the flowers at the first and second stem layers (bifurcations) to
enable the plant to become vigorous. As with your tomatoes remove the
suckers often to prevent the plants from getting very vegetative. Support
the two stems of the peppers or eggplants with strings and plant clips in a
V-cordon way so that the stems are going in opposite directions to permit
light to enter the canopy more readily.
European cucumbers are trained somewhat differently than toma-
toes, eggplants, and peppers. Cucumbers are supported in a V-cordon
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