Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Use actual lumber
dimensions (see
Table 9-2)
Keep beam width larger than
or equal to column
*Allow for lug on each side of deep beam
Figure 9-7 One-Way Joist Floor System with Deep Beams
9.5.2 Columns
• For maximum economy, standardize column location and orientation in a uniform pattern in both
directions (see Fig, 9-8).
dim en sion
Vary this dimension
(only as necessary)
Typical bay
Figure 9-8 Standard Column Location and Orientation for a Typical Bay
• Columns should be kept the same size throughout the building. If size changes are necessary, they should
occur in 2 in. increments, one side at a time (for example, a 22 22 in. column should go to a 24 x 22 in.,
then to a 24 24 in., etc.) Gang forming can possibly be used when this approach to changing columns
sizes is utilized. When a flying form system is used, the distance between column faces and the flying
form must be held constant. Column size changes must be made parallel to the flying form.
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