HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Find all documents that start with <body or <BODY and thus don't have a proper html root element.
Find all documents that end with </html> in various combinations of case, optionally followed by
Table A.6 summarizes all of these patterns.
Table A.6. Regular-Expression Syntax
Any one character
Beginning of line
End of line
Zero or more c 's
One or more c 's
Zero or one c
Zero or more c 's, as few as possible
One or more c 's, as few as possible
Zero or one c, as few as possible
c{ count }
Exactly count c 's
c{ count ,}
At least count c 's
c{ min , max }
At least min c 's and at most max c 's
Any one of the characters from a-z or A-Z
Any one of the characters between the brackets
Any one of the characters not between the brackets
Any one of the characters from a-z
Any one of the characters from a-z or A-Z
Beginning of document
End of document
End of document, but before trailing line break, if any
Boundary of a word, that is, the beginning or end of a word
Not the boundary of a word
Any whitespace character (space, tab, carriage return, line feed)
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