HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
<html xmlns="">
<title>On Iterators and Indexes</title>
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<div id="Content">
<h1>On Iterators and Indexes</h1>
Here's a neat little trick Wolfgang Hoscheck <a href="http://
001501.html">showed me</a>... </p>
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/sidebar.html" -->
Customarily, files that contain server-side includes end with .shtml to tell the server to parse them and resolve
the includes before sending them to clients. Although mod_include is compiled into Apache by default, it may
not be enabled for all directories. You need to add these three configuration directives for each directory that
uses server-side includes, either in the main Apache config file or in an .htaccess file:
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
Options +Includes
PHP has similar functionality accessed via the include function, as demonstrated in Listing 5.14 .
Listing 5.14. PHP Includes
<html xmlns="">
<title>On Iterators and Indexes</title>
<div id="Content">
<h1>On Iterators and Indexes</h1>
Here's a neat little trick Wolfgang Hoscheck <a href="http://
001501.html">showed me</a>... </p>
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