HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
However, while the back end of a large networked application is often a relational database, the front end is a
web site. Thin client GUIs delivered in Firefox or Internet Explorer everywhere are replacing thick client GUIs for
all sorts of business applications, such as payroll and lead tracking. Adventurous users at companies such as
Sun and Google are going even further and replacing classic desktop applications like word processors and
spreadsheets with web apps built out of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Finally, the Web and the ubiquity of the
web browser have enabled completely new kinds of applications that never existed before, such as eBay,
Netflix, PayPal, Google Reader, and Google Maps.
HTML made these applications possible, and it made them faster to develop, but it didn't make them easy. It
didn't make them simple. It certainly didn't make them less fundamentally complex. Some of these systems are
now on their second, third, or fourth generation—and wouldn't you know it? Just like any other sufficiently
complex, sufficiently long-lived application, these web apps are developing cruft. The new pieces aren't merging
perfectly with the old pieces. Systems are slowing down because the whole structure is just too ungainly.
Security is being breached when hackers slip in through the cracks where the new parts meet the old parts.
Once again, the choice comes down to throwing out the original application and starting over, or fixing the
foundations, but really, there's no choice. In today's fast-moving world, nobody can afford to wait for a
completely new replacement. The only realistic option is to refactor.
Why Refactor
How do you know when it's time to refactor? What are the smells of bad code that should set your nose to
twitching? There are quite a few symptoms, but these are some of the smelliest.
Smell: Illegible Code
The most obvious symptom is that you do a View Source on the page, and it might as well be written in Greek
(unless, of course, you're working in Greece). Most coders know ugly code when we see it. Ugly code looks ugly.
Which would you rather see, Listing 1.1 or Listing 1.2 ? I don't think I have to tell you which is uglier, and which
is going to be easier to maintain and update.
Listing 1.1. Dirtier Code
<IMG SRC="/images/logo-footer.gif"
HSPACE = 5 VSPACE="0" BORDER="0"></A></TD>
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Listing 1.2. Cleaner Code
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