Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Intercalary Arranged within a series of cells rather
than being at the end or alongside such as can occur
with heterocysts in blue-green algae
Marginal lines Lines of markings or clear areas
within markings running parallel to the margin of
a cell. Usually used in descriptions of markings on
certain diatoms
Iodine test The application of weak iodine solution
to starch produces a blue-black colour. Even in algae
producing starch as a food storage product the test
may not always give an obvious result as it depends
upon the physiological state of the cell, i.e. whether
it has been producing starch and how much
Marginal process Structures that occur around the
margin of a cell in some diatoms
Matrix The
mucilage, to a cell
Median groove A groove or channel running
around the mid-region of a cell (as in dinoflagellates
where one of the two flagella occur in the median
groove which runs around the centre of the cell or in
some desmids where there is an indentation between
the two semicells)
Isobilateral Each side of the cell, as divided by the
longitudinal axis, is the same shape
Isopolar Both ends (poles) of the cell are the same
shape and size
Isthmus The narrow part of a desmid cell connect-
ing the two semicells
Metabolic Able to change its shape (as in some
species of Euglena ) as the cell wall is not rigid
Keel The channel or flange, sometimes raised on
e.g. Surirella
Monospore A non-motile spore produced by the
monosporangium in Rhodophytes
Mother cell A cell that divides to form two or more
offspring (daughter cells)
L.A.B. Long as wide, used to compare length and
breadth dimensions of cells
Mucilage A material, often made of polysaccha-
rides, which swells in water and is slimy to tough
Lamellate Composed of layers (also laminate)
Lanceolate Lance-shaped, long and narrow with
a small increase in diameter in the mid-region and
tapering towards the ends
Multiseriate Composed of many rows
Nannoplankton Algal cells whose size is small
enough to pass through a plankton net
Lenticular Lens-shaped or hemispherical
Obliquely flattened Flattened at an angle, neither
horizontally or vertically
Leucosin A whitish food reserve characteristic of
many chrysophytes and usually found as highly
refractive rounded particles
Obovoid An approximate oval but with one end
(termed the anterior) wider than the other
Linear series A row of cells arranged side by side
in a straight line (for comparison see alternating
Ocellus 'Eye-shaped' marking. A thickened
rimmed plate of silica with a number of pores on
its surface on a centric diatom valve
Lorica A shell or open flask-like structure which
the organism lies. The shape varies but there is always
an opening at one end, sometimes with a collar
through which a flagellum may pass
Ovoid Egg-shaped
Paramylum A solid starch-like food reserve found
in some euglenoids
Lunate Crescent or moon-shaped
Parietal Arranged at or around the wall of a cell
Mantle The marginal part of a diatom frustule,
joined to the epivalve or hypovalve
Pellicle A thin membrane covering a cell that has
no true wall
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