Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Review Questions
1. Why is there such a large administrative interest in GI and maps?
2. What are the two ways of recording the boundaries of land owner-
3. What does the abbreviation PLS stand for?
4. What is the basic principle behind the SDI?
5. How do coordinate and locational systems become key references?
6. What is the definition of cadastre ?
7. What makes data sharing so difficult?
8. What does “public domain GI” mean?
9. Explain the key principles of the Multipurpose Land Information Sys-
10. To which parts of government in the United States does the public
domain principle apply?
1. Why is there such a large administrative interest in GI and maps?
Defense, commerce, and taxation are key government activities that require
or benefit from clearly conceived and communicated GI and maps.
2. What are the two ways of recording the boundaries of land owner-
The most common approaches to recording the boundaries of land owner-
ship are metes-and-bounds surveys and systematic surveys (e.g., PLS).
3. What does the abbreviation PLS stand for?
PLS stands for Public Land Survey. “System” is often appended to create
the abbreviation PLSS.
4. What is the basic principle behind the SDI?
The basic principle of the SDI is that freer access to administrative GI bene-
fits good governance and society, government, industry, and people.
5. How do coordinate and locational systems become key references?
By becoming part of administrative laws, regulations, and procedures, coor-
dinate and locational systems become part of social interactions and help
structure the human-influenced geography of an area.
6. What is the definition of cadastre ?
Cadastre is a Latin term that refers to the registry of land ownership. In
most places today that understanding is extended to include the role of
ensuring the rights and responsibilities of landowners and land users.
7. What makes data sharing so difficult?
Data sharing is directly made difficult by problems allocated and distribut-
ing costs, but institutional and political issues play a sizeable role as well.
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