Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Review Questions
1. What is a database “join” operation?
2. What are the common field types used to store data?
3. What is a flat-file database?
4. What is the relationship between database representation and geo-
graphic representation?
5. What is the difference between logical and symbolic representation?
6. What is tabular information?
7. What is a relational database?
8. What does “database normalization” refer to?
9. What is an entity-relationship diagram?
10. How are cartographic symbols stored in databases?
1. What is a database “join” operation?
A “join” operation permanently links two database tables based on a com-
mon record value.
2. What are the common field types used to store data?
Common field types are character, integer, real, binary, exponential, and
3. What is a flat-file database?
A flat-file database stores values in rows and attributes by columns. It is one
way of representing entities in a database.
4. What is the relationship between database representation and geo-
graphic representation?
Database representation is how items are symbolically stored and manipu-
lated in a database. It is based on a geographic representation. For exam-
ple, a road, geographically represented as two lines, with each line with
attributes indicating the number of lanes in a constant direction, can be
represented in another database as a single geometric line with two values
indicating the number of lanes in each direction.
5. What is the difference between logical and symbolic representation?
recorded and stored in a database.
6. What is tabular information?
Tabular information is database data represented in a meaningful tabular
7. What is a relational database?
A relational database is a database system that allows for the association of
data from different tables.
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