Travel Reference
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good for 40 minutes, so you can hop on and off (8 Kč, buy at tabák
shops or yellow machines, or pay a little extra to buy on board from
the driver).
In front of the train station stretches a modern town center
with planned communist-era apartment blocks. While there are
plenty of drawbacks to the city's communist heritage, one good
leftover from that era is Olomouc's fine, still-subsidized public
transit. As you ride, notice that people have a choice to forgo
owning a car because of dirt-cheap monthly passes. It's second
nature here.
Going downtown from the station, you peel through the city's
architectural layers of history. Crossing the three branches of the
river, you pass through the university district before reaching the
center. A red light at the front of the car indicates your next stop.
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