Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Sports on the Old Town and Wenceslas Squares
When there are sporting events of great interest (such as hockey
and soccer championships), the Old Town Square plays host to
hu g e T V s c r e e n s , b e e r a n d
bratwurst stands, and thousands
of Czechs. The warm and friendly
scene is like a big family gather-
ing. Some fans lie on the cobble-
stones up front and focus on the
game, while others mill around in
the back and just enjoy the party.
Major running and bik-
ing events (such as the Prague
International Marathon in mid-May) finish in the Old Town
Square. The two biggest sporting events on Wenceslas Square
are the Prague Pole Vault and a cycling competition that uses the
square as a lap. The bottom of Wenceslas Square is also often set
up for soccer, basketball, and beach volleyball tournaments. Both
squares are also used for pop and folk concerts and for political
rallies. These events are fine opportunities to feel the pulse of the
Czech capital.
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