Biomedical Engineering Reference
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S2. Try to associate the possibilities of “triplets
versus generated amino acids” relationships
within the gene causing the disease and
establish, if possible, a causal relationship
and, if not, a correlation. For this purpose,
we have to define the right sample size.
S3. If a causality or correlation greater than 0.8
is established, go to S1 with a new case.
If the number of cases is greater than the
proposed sample size and causality or cor-
relation was established for all cases, accept
the hypothesis, if not, reject it.
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Of course, when genetic code has been com-
pletely deciphered, this type of hypotheses will
make no sense, because the DNA will explain its
message and its resultant consequences. But, in
the meantime, it is a way of understanding why
some diseases occur. This will, of course, lead
to its prevention, cure or, at least, to the relief of
its effects, through genetic engineering.
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