Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
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systems . In Paton et al., editors, Computation
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Thought. Natural Computation Series, pp. 51-86.
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Nolfi, S. & Floreano, D. (2000). Evolutionary
Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Tech-
nology of Self-Organizing Machines . MA: MIT
Press/Bradford Books. Ref.: Phototaxis: pp. 121-
152; Obstacle avoidance/Navigation: pp. 69-92;
Learning: pp.153-188.
Togelius, J. (2003). Evolution of the Layers in
a Subsumption Architecture Robot Controller .
Master of Science in Evolutionary and Adaptive
Systems. University of Sussex, UK.
Nolfi S. (2006). Behaviour as a complex adaptive
system: On the role of self-organization in the
development of individual and collective behav-
iour . Unpublished yet, internal communication
with author.
Togelius, J. (2004). Evolution of a Subsumption
Architecture Neurocontroller. Journal of Intel-
ligent & Fuzzy Systems , 15:1, pp. 15-21.
Urzelai, J. & Floreano, D. (1999). Incremental
Evolution with Minimal Resources . Proceedings
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Panait, L. & Luke, S. (2005). Cooperative Multi-
Agent Learning: The State of the Art. Autonomous
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems . 11(3) : 387-434.
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Zuben, F. (2003). Implementation of an immuno-
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Roitt, I. (1997). Essential Immunology. Ninth
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Whitbrook, A. (2005). An idiotypic immune
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University of Nottingham.
Tay, J. & Jhavar, A. (2005). CAFISS: A complex
adaptive framework for immune system simula-
tion. 2005 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
(SAC'05) , pp. 158-164.
Yoerger, D., Bradley, A., Walden, B., Singh, H.,
& Bachmayer, R. (1996). Surveying a subsea
lava flow using the autonomous bentic explorer
(ABE). Proc. 6th Int. Advanced Robotics Program,
1996, pp. 1-21.
Téllez, R. & Angulo, C. (2004). Evolving co-
operation of simple agents for the control of an
autonomous robot. Proceedings of the 5th IFAC
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Tena Ruiz, I., Petillot, Y., & Lane, D. (2003).
Improved AUV navigation using side-scan sonar,
Proceedings of IEEE OCEANS 2003 , 3, 22-26
Sept. 2003, pp. 1261 - 1268.
Several publications on topics discussed in this
chapter can be proposed to be consulted at your
leisure. A list of references on these topics is given
as follows. Evolutionary Robotics: (Nolfi & Flo-
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