Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 5. Behaviours coordination to yield a more complex one in the process known as scaling-up
Table 1. Specifications parameters for the experimental tests of the evolutionary approach to path gen-
eration in an autonomous robot
8 plus 1 additional input
Number of input neurons
Number of hidden neurons
Number of output neurons
Number of runs
Number of iterations per run
Number of generations
Number of objects in the
0 (phototaxis|learning) and 10 (obstacle
Initial population
[-1; 1]
Synaptic weight range
[0; 0.01]
Initial range of synaptic weight
Selection percentage
Mutation rate
Light sensors range
[0; 1]
Sensors proximity range
[0; 1]
Type of activation function
Type of mutation
Type of selection
To implement the neurocontrollers we used a
simulator of the Khepera © robot called YAKS. The
tests consisted of the robot moving on a labyrinth-
like environment. Since in reactive path generation
security is essential, it is possible to distinguish
two situations to analyze: (a) if an obstacle is de-
tected in the robot proximity (sides or front), the
obstacle avoidance behaviour has priority over the
attraction to the goal behaviour; and (b) the actua-
tors' action arises as a combination between the
obstacle avoidance and the attraction toward the
objective. Therefore, two possible situations are
necessary to study: (1) convex obstacle avoidance;
(2) concave obstacle avoidance. Robustness of the
final controller with regard to sensor imperfections
(e.g., robustness to environmental variations and
morphologic variations) was also analyzed. The
obtained results showed that the controller was
capable of overcoming environmental variations,
but no morphologic variations in most tests.
Once behaviours were implemented, tests
were carried out on a real robot Khepera © . The
environment consisted of a 105x105 cm. arena
delimited by walls, with different internal walls of
white plastic and a compact green rubber floor. A
light source equipped with a bulb of 75 Watts was
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