Game Development Reference
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9. Now, let's go to FSMyScene.m , remove the default code added in the init
method and also the method for touch detection.
10. Make a property for a SKSpriteNode called spaceship in the private interface:
@interface FSMyScene()
@property (nonatomic, strong) SKSpriteNode*
11. Add this spaceShipSprite to the FSMyScene file in its init method:
self.spaceShipSprite = [SKSpriteNode
self.spaceShipSprite.position =
[self addChild:self.spaceShipSprite];
The default Spaceship.png provided is appropriate, so delete and add
Spaceship.png provided in the Resources folder of the Starter kit.
12. Now if you run the app, the spaceship doesn't look good on a black background,
so give the sky color background color to FSMyScene file in its init method.
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:135.0/
255.0 green:206.0/255.0 blue:235.0/255.0 alpha:1.0];
So finally we have reached the goal and have placed a spaceship in the sky.
The final FSMyScene class looks like this:
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