Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
How to do it
Now, on tapping the screen, a MCSession with a service type has been instantiated; we can
use this session and service type to present a MCBrowserViewController and estab-
lish connection between players (that is, devices). MCBrowserViewController is
fully equipped and designed for connecting multiple players for a session provided in the
Multipeer Connectivity framework. These are the steps involved:
1. First of all, create a protocol of GameScene as GameSceneDelegate and its
delegate object in GameScene , which will be set as GameViewController so
that it uses its delegate method when the user touches the screen. GameViewCon-
troller can be informed to present MCBrowserViewController . Declare
the protocol code and GameSceneDelegate object, as follows:
@protocol GameSceneDelegate <NSObject>
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<GameSceneDelegate>
2. When the user touches the screen that has the gameState as
kGameStatePlayerToConnect , where we are calling the method, instan-
tiateMCSession , which also informs gameSceneDelegate to show
MCBrowserViewController by passing gameSession that was created
and the serviceType property:
if (self.gameSceneDelegate && [self.gameSceneDelegate
3. The delegate method has to be called by GameViewController , and on the
same controller, MCBrowserViewController has to be presented, which will
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