Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
NSLog(@"state == MCSessionStateConnecting");
else if (state == MCSessionStateNotConnected)
NSLog(@"state == MCSessionStateNotConnected");
- (void)session:(MCSession *)session
didReceiveData:(NSData *)data fromPeer:(MCPeerID
*)peerID {
// Data has been received from a peer.
// Do something with the received data, on the
main thread
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
// Process the data
- (void)session:(MCSession *)session
*)resourceName fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID
withProgress:(NSProgress *)progress {
// A file started being sent from a peer. (Not
used in this example.)
- (void)session:(MCSession *)session
fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID atURL:(NSURL *)localURL
withError:(NSError *)error {
// A file finished being sent from a peer. (Not
used in this example.)
- (void)session:(MCSession *)session
didReceiveStream:(NSInputStream *)stream
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