Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Here gameSession is the session that will be created for playing a multiplayer
game, gamePeerID is the unique ID for the local player of this gameSes-
sion , which will be in future acting as the unique ID of the remote player to
whom this device will be connected to. This is why it is called peerID. Ser-
viceType is the unique ID assigned particularly to the game; here, the service
type will be TankRace and advertiser is a class that handles all incoming invita-
tions to the user and handles all user responses. A gameInfoLabel property is
declared, which will be created to instruct the user to connect with other players.
2. Add a method called addGameInfoLabelWithText , which can be used to
show any GameInfo with pragma mark.
#pragma mark - Adding Assets Methods
- (void)addGameInfoLabelWithText:(NSString*)labelText
if (self.gameInfoLabel == nil) {
self.gameInfoLabel = [SKLabelNode
self.gameInfoLabel.text = labelText;
self.gameInfoLabel.fontSize = 32;
self.gameInfoLabel.position =
self.gameInfoLabel.zPosition = 100;
[self addChild:self.gameInfoLabel];
3. Declare hash defines for different GameInfo texts.
#define kConnectingDevicesText @"Tap to Connect"
#define kGameStartedText @"Game Started"
#define kConnectedDevicesText @"Devices Connected"
4. Call addGameInfoLabelWithText from the didMoveToView method of
GameScene . With text hash define kConnectingDevicesText and
pragma mark as depicted below.
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