Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
6. Now, add the declaration of both the methods in the Player.h file using the
following code:
+ (Player*) playerObject;
- (void) update:(float)deltaTime;
7. Now, open your GameScene.m file and add the following code right after your
initWithSize method:
- (Player *)createPlayer
Player *plyr = [Player playerObject];
[self addChild:plyr];
return plyr;
8. Now, add the touchesBegan method just after the createPlayer method.
This method will give you all the touch events.
9. So, nothing happened till now. Let's make the game work for the first state. Now,
add the following code:
Player *newPlayer = [self createPlayer];
newPlayer.position = [touch locationInNode:self];
The final file should look something similar to the following screenshot:
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