Game Development Reference
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How it works
Here's an example of some of the vector methods you've just learned about working togeth-
er. Let's say you have a game agent, Eric the Troll, who stands at position T (the origin) and
facing in the direction given by the normalized vector H (for heading). He can smell a help-
less princess at position P and would very much like to throw his club at her, to tenderize
her a little, before he rips her to pieces. To do this, he needs to know how many radians he
must rotate to face her. The following figure shows the situation:
You've discovered that you can calculate the angle between two vectors using the dot
product. However, in this problem you only have one vector to start with, H . Therefore, we
need to determine a vector—the vector TP that points directly at the princess. This is calcu-
lated by subtracting point T from point P . Because T is at the origin (0, 0), in this example,
P-T= P. However, the answer P-T is a vector, so let's show this by typing it in bold and
calling it P .
We know that the cosine of the angle the troll needs to turn to face the princess is equival-
ent to the dot product of H and P , provided both vectors are normalized. H is already nor-
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