Game Development Reference
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emitterNode.speed = 500.0f;
8. As output of all above creation of FireParticle file using particle editor and
adding it in the code using SKEmitterNode class on the spaceship, the thrust
appears at the back side of our character of game that is, spaceship.
The following are the steps to add the smoke effect on collision of the coin and the space-
ship in our game:
1. Open the FSMyScene class and add a method called addCoinColli-
sionEffectWithSpaceShip .
2. Repeat the steps we performed while creating the thrust of the spaceship. Specify
the filename and its type to get the path.
NSString *emitterPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]
pathForResource:@"SmokeParticle" ofType:@"sks"];
3. After this, we can instantiate a new object of SKEmitterNode using
NSKeyedUnarchiver , which will return an object of SKEMitterNode for a
path that is provided.
SKEmitterNode *emitterNode = [NSKeyedUnarchiver
4. Once the object of the emitter is created, specify its position, which will be the
center of spaceship.
emitterNode.particlePosition = CGPointMake(0,0);
5. Lastly, after all the configuration is done, just add the emitterNode object
(that is, SmokeEffect object) to SpaceShipSprite .
[self.spaceShipSprite addChild:emitterNode];
6. Add all these lines to the addCoinCollisionEffectWithSpaceShip
method and it looks like this.
7. Now call this method when the coin collides with the spaceship that is, in method
named spaceShipCollidedWithCoin .
[self addCoinCollisionEffectWithSpaceShip];
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